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Record ID: 5e3ee51e-97b4-400d-90c5-f3cf33e67ae2
Type: Journal Article
Title: Nonlethal intimate partner violence against women: a comparison of three age cohorts
Other Titles: Violence against women
Authors: Rennison, Callie Marie
Rand, Michael R
Keywords: Measurement;Older people
Year: 2003
Publisher: Sage Publications
Citation: 9 (12), December 2003
Notes:  Following on from existing research that has shown younger women are exposed to domestic violence at higher rates than older women, this US study explores the extent and nature of intimate partner violence against older women and contrasts these findings with the experiences of younger victims. The methodology and findings of the study are outlined and it is suggested that non-fatal victimisation of older women by intimate partners is a unique phenomenon that presents specific challenges with respect to defining, measuring, responding to and preventing it. Concludes that the issue warrants further research than has thus far been conducted.
ISSN: 1077-8012
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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