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Record ID: dbc1c2d8-f492-48e1-8b32-35a6a3bacfab
Type: Journal Article
Title: Note on Hickey: the problems with a psychological approach to domestic violence
Other Titles: The Sydney law review
Authors: Budrikis, Katrina
Keywords: CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse);Criminal justice responses;Indigenous issues
Year: 1993
Publisher: Faculty of Law
Citation: 15 (3), September 1993
Notes:  Discusses the decision in R v Hickey, the first NSW Supreme Court case to accept evidence of battered woman syndrome (BWS) and argues that despite the ultimate acquittal of Hickey, the testimony of the psychologist highlights the inadequacies of the BWS model, particularly for Indigenous women and women from different cultural/ethnic backgrounds.
ISSN: 0082-0512
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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