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Record ID: e409485a-e0b4-4dbf-96ba-cd8c292a562f
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Parental reflective functioning in fathers who use intimate partner violence : findings from a Norwegian clinical sample
Authors: Duckert, Fanny
Mohaupt, Henning
Keywords: Substance abuse;Alcohol abuse;Perpetrators;Perpetrator programs;Parenting;Men;Intimate partner violence
Year: 2016
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Citation: [ahead-of-print]
Notes:  "Few studies have examined fathering in an intimate partner violence (IPV) context outside the US. The present study included 36 Norwegian men who were voluntarily participating in therapy after perpetrating acts of IPV. They were interviewed with the revised Parent Development Interview, which is designed to assess parental reflective functioning (parental RF), and screened for alcohol- and substance-use habits and trauma history. "
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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