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Record ID: 8aee5b05-e61e-4505-af8c-cf7679f21248
Type: Journal Article
Title: Perceptions of the police by female victims of domestic partner violence
Other Titles: Violence against women
Authors: Cummins, Michele R
Carl, Steven
Apsler, Robert
Keywords: Policing
Year: 2003
Publisher: Sage Publications
Citation: 9 (11), November 2003
Notes:  Outlines the methodology and results of a study conducted in Boston, USA, aimed at exploring what domestic violence victims want from police, their experiences in obtaining what they want and their overall perception the helpfulness of police following a domestic violence incident. The various factors that influence victims’ perceptions were also examined and while the findings were mixed, the results suggest a major area in which police lack both the resources and skills to assist victims is in referral to counselling and other support services.
ISSN: 1077-8012
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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