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Record ID: 396592f3-7f17-48ba-9492-a8a3a31c9562
Type: Journal Article
Title: Physical violence between siblings: a theoretical and empirical analysis
Other Titles: Journal of family issues
Authors: Kiecolt, K. Jill
Hoffman, Krisit L
Edwards, John N
Keywords: Sibling abuse;Theories of violence
Year: 2005
Publisher: Sage Publications
Citation: 26 (8), November 2005
Notes:  This study develops and tests a theoretical model to explain sibling violence based on the feminist, conflict, and social learning theoretical perspectives and research in psychology and sociology. A multivariate analysis of data from 651 young adults generally supports hypotheses from all three theoretical perspectives. Males with brothers have significantly higher levels of sibling violence than the other three types of sibling pairs. As predicted, conflict and abuse between parents are associated with negative parent-child interactions, which in turn are related to problems in siblings' relationships with each other. All of these predict sibling violence.

[?2005 Sage Publications. All rights reserved. For further information, visit Journal of Family Issues.]
ISSN: 0192513X
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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