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Record ID: 4cc91c85-69d3-49b7-9fa6-7ea6066960d9
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Police improve response to domestic violence, but abuse often remains the 'hidden crime'
Authors: Police Executive Research Forum
Keywords: Domestic violence;Police;Reporting;Policing
Year: 2015
Publisher: Police Executive Research Forum, Washington
Citation: Vol. 29, no. 1
Notes:  A new project by PERF has found that the police response to domestic violence has undergone fundamental changes over the last 20 years, and today's law enforcement
agencies are continuing to develop new approaches to protecting victims and preventing abuse. However, PERF also found that much work remains to be done, because domestic
violence too often remains the "hidden crime," committed behind closed doors, and thus does not receive the same level of focus as crimes that are committed in public.
PERF conducted a survey of 358 law enforcement agencies about their domestic
violence investigations. It asked for statistical data as well as descriptive information about innovative strategies and programs. PERF researchers then used the survey results
to conduct telephone interviews of police officials to obtain more detailed information about their best practices. Many of the most promising programs involve cooperation between
police and victim services groups.
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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