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Record ID: 0110529c-3891-4318-84fd-64a2f409f61a
Type: Journal Article
Title: Policing the NPY Lands – the Cross-Border Justice Program
Other Titles: Australasian Policing: A Journal of Professional Practice and Research
Authors: Sarre, Rick
Fleming, Jenny
Keywords: Policing;Criminal justice responses;Indigenous issues;Legislation analysis
Year: 2011
Publisher: Emergency Media Pty Ltd
Citation: 3 (1), Winter 2011
Notes:  The Cross-Border Justice Program is a scheme in the Northern Territory, Western Australia and South Australia enabling magistrates in any of the three jurisdictions to hear cases involving persons who reside in, who are 'connected with' or who commit offences in the Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (NPY) Lands. The scheme was prompted following a 2001-02 Western Australian government inquiry into family violence and child abuse in Aboriginal communities, which identified gaps in policing in remote communities.

This article outlines the legislative basis of the scheme, the background to its establishment, it outcomes and the practical challenges involved in its implementation.
ISSN: 18377009
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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