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Record ID: deb2ba75-ab99-4f32-87f2-273a4ccb8f56
Type: Journal Article
Title: Politics, psychology and the battered woman's movement
Other Titles: Journal of trauma practice
Authors: Walker, Lenore E
Keywords: Mental health;Counselling;Overview;Advocacy
Year: 2002
Publisher: Haworth Maltreatment & Trauma Press
Citation: 1 (1), 2002
Notes:  Provides a critical examination of the 'battered women's movement', highlighting the ongoing divisions that exist between professionals, grassroots advocates and specialists in particular areas. Noting that it is only in the last 30 years that wife beating has emerged on political agendas as part of efforts to achieve equality and balance power relations between men and women, Walker provides an overview of the history of the movement, the establishment of battered women's services and legal system interventions that later accompanied these developments. The impact of the women's movement on organised psychology and on the field of mental health generally is then discussed and some of the key changes for which feminist approaches to therapy are responsible are outlined. Directions for future research and practice are also suggested.
ISSN: 15362922
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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