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Record ID: 0c0bfa01-8c97-4138-beae-2a021ee43285
Type: Journal Article
Title: Predictors of dropout among men who batter: a review of studies with implications for research and practice
Other Titles: Violence and victims
Authors: Daly, Jennifer E
Pelowski, Susan
Keywords: Prevention;Perpetrators
Year: 2000
Publisher: Springer Publishing
Citation: 15 (2), 2000
Notes:  General Overview: :This journal article examines studies of the predictors of drop out from batterer treatment programs in the United States.

Discussion: :The authors reviewed 16 studies on drop out from group interventions for men who batter. The studies produced inconsistent results. Men who drop out are more likely to be unemployed, unmarried, childless, have lower incomes and less education than completers. There is an inconsistent relationship between completing treatment and age, race, childhood exposure to violence and battering history. The authors point out that many of the factors that are associated with dropping out (low socio-economic status, prior criminal involvement, substance abuse) cannot be addressed in a treatment program. They make some proposals for better targeting treatment programs to clients.
ISSN: 0886-6708
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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