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Record ID: 830b0344-8123-4395-acdd-737352f698c8
Type: Journal Article
Title: Pre-modern and modern power: Foucault and the case of domestic violence
Other Titles: Signs : journal of women in culture and society
Authors: Westlund, Andrea, C
Keywords: Overview;Theories of violence
Year: 1999
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
Citation: 24 (4), Summer 1999
Notes:  This article analyses domestic violence and battered women with philosophical and conceptual reference to Michel Foucault’s modernisation of power, the power of disciplinary institutions and practices in Discipline and Punish:. It argues that Sandra Bartky’s essay misses the fundamental importance in recognising that the most pervasive methods of maintaining power and control over women remain ‘pre-modern’ in Foucault’s terminology. It describes how battered women experience pre-modern and modern forms of power side by side: they have to deal with the terror by an all-powerful ‘sovereign’ but are also compelled to turn for help to modern institutions such as medicine, psychiatry and the police, which could re-victimise them by pathologising their condition. However, it goes on to argue that modern institutions are not without potential, for local resistance and transformation.
ISSN: 0097-9740
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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