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Record ID: dcec86c0-a2f2-4045-a552-62db71ce0763
Type: Journal Article
Title: Prevalence of domestic violence among patients attending a hospital emergency department
Other Titles: Australian and New Zealand journal of public health
Authors: March, Lyn
Vinen, John
Robbe, Mirijana de Vries
Keywords: Statistics;Health;Measurement
Year: 1996
Publisher: Public Health Association of Australia
Citation: 20 (4), August 1996
Notes:  This study investigates the prevalence of domestic violence among patients attending emergency services at Sydney’s Royal North Shore Hospital. Adult patients and parents accompanying children were given self-administered anonymous questionnaires over a three-month period in 1994. A history of domestic violence was reported by 14.1 per cent of patients and 16.3 of parents. Some of the issues discussed are the type and length of violence, the identity of the perpetrator, gender differences and abuse as a child.
ISSN: 1326-0200
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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