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Record ID: 4013c4a6-4e79-4cf5-a79e-d7fb6b5edf7a
Type: Journal Article
Title: Preventing interpersonal violence on college campuses : the effect of one act training on bystander intervention
Authors: Pleasants, Robert K
Weinberger, Morris
Weaver, Mark A
Alegria-Flores, Kei
Raker, Kelli
Keywords: Youth;Sexual assault;Stalking;Dating violence;Interventions;Intimate partner violence;Bystander intervention
Topic: Sexual violence
Year: 2015
Citation: [ahead-of-print], 22 May 2015
Notes:  "The objectives of this study were 1) to evaluate One Act's effects on date rape attitudes and behaviors, and bystanders' confidence, willingness to help, and behavior, and 2) to compare the effects on bystander skills between One Act and Helping Advocates for Violence Ending Now (HAVEN), an IV response training program with similar participants."
Excerpt from abstract
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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