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Record ID: 6ddd13a0-24ad-40f2-844f-06fbd58cae5b
Type: Journal Article
Title: Protecting women and children
Other Titles: Social work now
Authors: Hill, Sarah
Irwin, Pat
Elliot, Cara
Gillies, Ngaio
Keywords: Training;Interagency work
Year: 2000
Publisher: New Zealand Children and Young Persons Service
Citation: (15), May 2000
Notes:  ‘Protecting women and children: an interagency response to family violence’ is a New Zealand training package on effective family violence interagency prevention. Three organisations contributed to its development: the National Collective of Independent Women’s Refuges, the then Children, Young Persons and Their Families Agency and the New Zealand Police. Evaluates the training package, delivery and impact of training on each of the three organisations, and the overall effect of the training package on interagency collaboration.
ISSN: 11734906
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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