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Record ID: 69dc2b94-c11a-47ce-809b-dbb458e40c86
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Queensland's inaugural fax-back forum
Other Titles: Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse newsletter
Authors: Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse
Keywords: Policing;Interagency work
Year: 2003
Publisher: Australian Domestic & Family Violence Clearinghouse, UNSW
Citation: (14), March 2003
Notes:  Report on Queensland’s Inaugural Fax-Back Forum which was held at Queensland Police Headquarters in Brisbane in October 2002. The Logan District Fax-Back Project Management Group hosted the meeting in order to bring together workers from established Fax-Back Programs in Queensland and those interested in starting up a programme. Based on integrated response models like New Zealand’s Hamilton Abuse Intervention Program and the US’ Duluth Abuse Intervention Program, Queensland’s Fax-Back Programs give police who attend domestic violence calls the means to link perpetrators and/or abuse sufferers and/or children to information, counselling and support at local domestic violence agencies. This is achieved through an ‘authorisation to contact’ form which is signed by those involved in the incident and then forwarded by police to Fax-Back domestic violence workers. Issues discussed at the forum included the resource implications of establishing and maintaining Fax-Back Programs, the need for regular monitoring and evaluation of the programmes and the importance of a solid working relationship between police and domestic violence services.
ISSN: 1443-7236
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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