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Record ID: 92e442c3-f598-4c63-86df-39c2ed45f227
Type: Journal Article
Title: Questioning domestic violence orthodoxies
Other Titles: Frontlines : a newsletter on violence
Authors: Chung, Donna
Keywords: Housing;Legal issues
Year: 2001
Publisher: Department of Human Services
Citation: (2), April 2001
Notes:  Full-text of paper available by contacting
Donna Chung questions violence orthodoxies by examining the social construction of women as victims and as being responsible for stopping male violence. This is an abridged version of a paper presented at the fourth Australian Women’s Health Conference in Adelaide. It examines traditional law enforcement methods in crisis situations where women and children are removed from the home and argues that there is a need to reconsider the possibilities of removing the offender from the home to minimise poverty, emotional strain and decrease in power for women and children who are forced to access services available to victims of domestic violence. Examines possible criticism of this suggestion and the massive shift in public attitude and commitment which would enable courts, police and other agencies to act on this option where it is the woman’s choice.
ISSN: 14463784
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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