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Record ID: d74f20d3-fa38-48c9-b448-6a3391c84974
Type: Journal Article
Title: Race, poverty, and the crime-centered response to domestic violence: a comment on Linda Mills's insult to injury:rethinking our responses to intimate abuse
Other Titles: Violence against women
Authors: Coker, Donna
Keywords: Cross-cultural;Criminal justice responses;Policy;Restorative justice;Policing
Year: 2004
Publisher: Sage Publications
Citation: 10 (11), November 2004
Notes:  Examines some of the key criticisms of US criminal justice responses to domestic violence and describes the programme for reform developed by Linda Mills in Insult to Injury:, as a way of addressing these issues, before identifying some of the problems with Mills’ approach. The concept of ‘intimate abuse circles’ developed by Mills is contrasted with various restorative justice processes and the benefits of the latter in particular contexts are highlighted. Suggests that, while Mills’ analysis provides an important contribution to the debate over criminal justice responses to domestic violence, it over-emphasises the role of psychological factors at the expense of social, political and material factors of equal importance.
ISSN: 1077-8012
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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