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Record ID: 29a58fff-a24d-4105-94db-8b7a2d0478d8
Type: Journal Article
Title: Relationship quality and domestic violence in women's same-sex relationships: the role of minority stress
Other Titles: Psychology of women quarterly
Authors: Balsam, Kimberly F
Szymanski, Dawn M
Keywords: Gay/lesbian/transgender
Year: 2005
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing
Citation: 29 (3), September 2005
Notes:  Despite a large body of literature addressing relationship quality and domestic violence in women's same-sex relationships, few studies have empirically examined how stress specific to living as a lesbian or bisexual woman might correlate with these relationship variables. Degree of outness, internalized homophobia, lifetime and recent experiences of discrimination, butch/femme identity, relationship quality, and lifetime and recent experiences of domestic violence were assessed in a sample of 272 predominantly European American lesbian and bisexual women. Lesbian and bisexual women were found to be comparable on most relationship variables. In bivariate analyses, minority stress variables (internalized homophobia and discrimination) were associated with lower relationship quality and both domestic violence perpetration and victimization. Outness and butch/femme identity were largely unrelated to relationship variables. Path analysis revealed that relationship quality fully mediated the relationship between internalized homophobia and recent domestic violence.
ISSN: 0361-6843
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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