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Record ID: 5d412b47-485c-4872-9ae6-473bb0bdaf5e
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Representation of domestic violence in two British newspapers, The Guardian and The Sun, 2009-2011
Authors: Braber, Natalie
Keywords: Media coverage;News services;United Kingdom;Domestic violence
Year: 2015
Citation: 1
Notes:  This article contains an analysis of the representation of domestic violence in two British newspapers between 2009-2011. This is a somewhat overlooked subject compared to research into media reports on rape and sexual assault. This study examines whether similar linguistic devices are used in domestic violence reports as in rape reports. The analysis uses a grounded theory approach to investigate common themes in reporting of domestic violence and the linguistic devices that are used in newspaper reports. This study draws on a corpus collected by the author to examine the similarities and differences between The Guardian, a broadsheet, and The Sun, a tabloid newspaper. It concludes that there are significant similarities between the reporting of domestic violence and that of rape and sexual violence.
ISSN: 1000-0488
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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