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Record ID: eb653301-bbbc-4903-8866-ca5447439b86
Type: Journal Article
Title: Restriction of the hours of sale of alcohol in a small community: a beneficial impact
Other Titles: Australian and New Zealand journal of public health
Authors: Douglas, Michael
Keywords: Indigenous issues
Year: 1998
Publisher: Public Health Association of Australia
Citation: 22 (6), 1998
Notes:  Examines the effectiveness of measures taken to reduce alcohol consumption and restrict its availability in Halls Creek, a small town in the remote Kimberley region of Western Australia. Provides an overview of the incidence and prevalence of alcohol consumption and abuse in Aboriginal communities generally and in the area of study, emphasising the range of social, psychological and physical health problems these statistics raise. Outlines the background to and rationale for the interventions implemented, listing specific solutions and actions taken by the community. The methodology utilised to assess the impact of these measures is described. Asserts that the results of the study indicate a decline in both alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems in the community, specifically, domestic violence, poor health and crime. Concludes that the consultative and coordinated approach taken was largely responsible for the success of the intervention and that similar interventions in other communities may not be as effective without the implementation of appropriate community development processes.
ISSN: 1326-0200
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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