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Record ID: 39b5f9e2-9279-4253-9539-0197a085d5ca
Type: Journal Article
Title: Revealing the link between licensed outlets and violence: counting venues versus measuring alcohol availability
Other Titles: Drug and Alcohol Review
Authors: Chikritzhs, Tanya
Liang, Wenbin
Keywords: Drug and alcohol misuse
Categories: People with mental health and/or drug and alcohol issues
Year: 2011
Publisher: Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs (APSAD)
Citation: 30 (5), September 2011
Notes:  This article reports on the findings of a cross-sectional study undertaken in Western Australia (WA) into the effect of onsite and off-site alcohol outlets and sales on the risk of assaults. The results indicate a direct correlation between outlet numbers and the level of sales, and high recorded rates of assault. This study has implications for future outlet density research looking into the impact on violence.
ISSN: 1465-3362
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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