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Record ID: dab03075-7c57-41ec-99a9-c3dcc100ebae
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Saints, sluts and sexual assault: Rethinking the relationship between sex, race and gender.
Other Titles: Social and Legal Studies
Authors: Cossins, Anne
Year: 2003
Citation: No 1 Vol.: 12
Notes:  This article considers how legal cultures construct different female subjectivities, using an Australian case study that documented the differential treatment of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal complainants within sexual assault trials. In particular, the article analyses the cultural significance of the concepts of sex and race within the sexual assault trial by comparing and contrasting the analytic utility of the sexed bodies approach and the concept of gender for understanding different women's experiences. It argues that neither of these approaches adequately describes the experiences of black and indigenous women and, instead, presents the concept of convergence for explaining the interactions of sex and race and revealing the unique vulnerabilities of black and indigenous women within legal cultures.
Electronic Resource Number:
Cited By (since 1996):8Export Date: 7 August 2013Source: Scopus:doi 10.1177/0964663903012001845Language of Original Document: EnglishReferences: Andrews, P.E., Violence against aboriginal women in Australia: Possibilities for redress within the international human rights framework (1997) Albany Law Review, 60, p. 917; (1994) Equality Before the Law: Justice for Women, , Sydney: Australian Law Reform Commission; Butler, J., (1990) Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity, , New York: Routledge; Butler, J., (1993) Bodies that Matter: On the Discursive Limits of Sex, , New York: Routledge; Carlen, P., Jefferson, T., (1996) British Journal of Criminology: Special Issue - Masculinities and Crime, 33 (6); Collier, R., (1998) Masculinities, Crime and Criminology: Men, Heterosexuality and the Criminal(ised) Other, , London: Sage; Connell, R.W., (1987) Gender and Power, , Sydney: Allen & Unwin; Connell, R.W., (1995) Masculinities, , Sydney: Allen & Unwin; Cossins, A., (2000) Masculinities, Sexualities and Child Sexual Abuse, , The Hague: Kluwer Law International; Crenshaw, K., Mapping the margins: Intersectionality, identity politics, and violence against women of color (1991) Stanford Law Review, 43, pp. 1241-1299; Daly, K., Different ways of conceptualizing sex/gender in feminist theory and their implications for criminology (1997) Theoretical Criminology, 1, pp. 25-51; Davies, M., Taking the inside out: Sex and gender in the legal subject (1997) Sexing the Subject of Law, pp. 25-46. , N. Naffine and R. J. Owens (eds). Sydney: LBC Information Services; London: Sweet & Maxwell; Delgado, R., (1995) Critical Race Theory: The Cutting Edge, , Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press; Fitzgerald, J., Weatherburn, D., Aboriginal victimisation and offending: The picture from police records (2001) Crime and Justice Statistics, , Sydney: NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research; Galvin, H., Shielding rape victims in the state and federal courts: A proposal for the second decade (1986) Minnesota, Law Review, 70, pp. 763-912; Gatens, M., (1996) Imaginary Bodies: Ethics, Power and Corporeality, , London: Routledge; Goodall, H., Saving the children (1990) Aboriginal Law Bulletin, 2, pp. 6-9; Greer, P., They throw the rule book away: Sexual assault in aboriginal communities (1992) Crimes of Violence: Australian Responses to Rape and Sexual Assault, pp. 189-195. , J. Breckenridge and M. Carmody (eds). Sydney: Allen & Unwin; Grosz, E., A note on essentialism and difference (1990) Feminist Knowledge, Critique and Construct, pp. 332-344. , S. Gunew (ed.). London: Routledge.Grosz, E. (1994) Volatile Bodies: Toward a Corporeal Feminism. Sydney: Allen & Unwin; Grosz, E., (1995) Space, Time and Perversion: The Politics of Bodies, , Sydney: Allen & Unwin; Grosz, E., Probyn, E., (1995) Sexy Bodies: Strange Carnalities of Feminism, , London: Routledge; Hahn Rafter, N., Heidensohn, F., (1995) International Feminist Perspectives in Criminology: Engendering a Discipline, , Buckingham: Open University Press; Harding, R., Broadhurst, R., Ferrante, A., Loh, N., (1995) Aboriginal Contact with the Criminal Justice System and the Impact of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, , Sydney: Hawkins Press; Harris, A.P., Race and essentialism in feminist legal theory (1990) Stanford Law Review, 42, pp. 585-616; Heidensohn, F., Gender and crime (1994) The Oxford Handbook of Criminology, pp. 997-1039. , M. Maguire, R. Morgan and R. Reiner (eds). Oxford: Clarendon Press; Hill Collins, P., (1990) Black Feminist Thought, , Boston: Unwin Hyman; Hood-Williams, J., Goodbye to sex and gender (1996) Sociological Review, 44, pp. 1-16; Hood-Williams, J., Gender, masculinities and crime: From structures to psyches (2001) Theoretical Criminology, 5, pp. 37-60; Jebb, A., Haebich, A., Across the great divide: Gender relations in Australian frontiers (1992) Gender Relations in Australia: Domination and Negotiation, pp. 20-41. , K. Saunders and R. Evans (eds). Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich; Jefferson, T., Theorising masculine subjectivity (1994) Just Boys Doing B[cut]
ISSN: 0964-6639
Physical description: Pages 77-103
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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