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Record ID: bde8a881-5381-4967-98aa-9aad735ea4b9
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Scoping reportable measures for the national framework for protecting Australia’s children 2009–2020: supporting outcome 1
Authors: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Keywords: Policy;Impact on children and young people;Child protection
Year: 2013
Publisher: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Notes:  "Working paper: August 2013"
Cat. no. CWS 45
Protecting children is everyone’s business : national framework for protecting Australia’s children 2009-2020:was written by the Council of Australian Governments [the Prime Minister and all Premiers and Chief Ministers of Australia] in 2009, as a government response to the high rates of child abuse and neglect reported in Australia.

Short term (for immediate reporting), medium term (1-3 years), and long term (3+ years) recommendations are made.
Physical description: 92 p.
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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