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Record ID: 4280f7d6-3876-48e0-8b2c-52b32addfc0d
Type: Journal Article
Title: Screening for intimate partner violence and abuse of elderly and vulnerable adults: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement
Other Titles: Annals of internal medicine
Authors: Moyer, Virginia A
Keywords: Screening;Overview;Early intervention;Older people
Year: 2013
Publisher: American College of Physicians
Citation: 158 (6), 19 March 2013
Notes:  This journal article is a summary of the full Recommendation Statement from an investigation into screening for intimate partner violence and abuse of elderly and vulnerable adults, conducted by the US Preventive Services Task Force. A systematic evidence review on screening women of childbearing age and elderly and vulnerable adults for domestic violence, abuse and neglect focused on the accuracy, advantages and disadvantages of screening.

The Statement includes discussions about detection, early intervention, assessment of risk, screening tests and suggestions for future practice. It also suggests needs and gaps in existing research and made recommendations for future research and practice.
The full Recommendation Statement and Evidence Report can be found here.
ISSN: 1539-3704
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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