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Record ID: 9e6fe5fd-ef22-4fe7-bf02-2661fd3254ca
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Sex Workers Outreach Project Inc.: Multicultural project
Authors: Cheung, Na Mon
Keywords: Reproductive and Sexual Health;Migrant women;Health
Topic: Structural inequities
Health and medical services
Population: Migrants and refugees
Sex workers
Year: 2017
Citation: Vol. 8, no. 1 ; p. 656
Notes:  Abstract
"A lack of understanding of migrant sex work, and of migrant sex workers, leads to legal and cultural barriers being unintentionally placed between migrant sex workers and health and information services. These legal and cultural barriers compromise the ability of migrant sex workers to access services and to control their own sexual health, thus increasing risks of STI and HIV transmission. The incorrect conflation of migrant sex work with people trafficking and sexual slavery and the amplification of this incorrect conflation by popular media to levels of "moral panic" reinforce the barriers that migrant sex workers face to achieving good sexual health."

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Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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