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Record ID: 18cd9e47-9b9d-4509-9770-df6f72ecb54b
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Sexting coercion as a component of intimate partner polyvictimization
Authors: Coupe, Amanda
Ross, Jody M
Drouin, Michelle
Keywords: Sexting;Cyberbullying;Internet;Sexual assault;Mental health;Dating violence;Abuse;Violence
Topic: Sexual violence
Year: 2016
Citation: [ahead-of-print]; 20 July 2016
Notes:  "We examined the role of sexting coercion as a component of the intimate partner abuse construct among young adults to determine whether sexting coercion would emerge alongside other forms of partner aggression as a cumulative risk factor for psychological, sexual, and attachment problems."
Excerpt from abstract
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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