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Record ID: af585ae9-90ea-4937-b81f-3f8c58663d8f
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Sexual assault experienced by deaf female undergraduates : prevalence and characteristics
Authors: Pick, Lawrence H
Elliott Smith, Rebecca A
Keywords: Violence against women;Rape;Abuse;Disability
Year: 2015
Publisher: Springer Publishing
Citation: Vol. 30, no. 6
Notes:  "This study explored sexual assault prevalence and characteristics of assault in deaf female undergraduate students. Results revealed that more than two-thirds of the participants (69%) endorsed experiencing at least one assault and more than half (56%) experienced multiple types of assault. Most assaults were committed by a man known to the survivor. Characteristics (e.g., hearing status, primary language, and ethnicity) of the survivors and the assailants are explored."
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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