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Record ID: ab4d08e6-5da2-4353-ac6b-a1949ef956b4
Type: Journal Article
Title: Sexual orientation disparities in substance misuse: the role of childhood abuse and intimate partner violence among patients in care at an urban community health center
Other Titles: Substance Use and Misuse
Authors: Bradford, Judith
Van Wagenen, Aimee
Falb, Kathryn L
Reisner, Sari L
Grasso, Chris
Keywords: Gay/lesbian/transgender;Screening;Measurement;Statistics;Drug and alcohol misuse;Service provision
Categories: People with mental health and/or drug and alcohol issues
Year: 2013
Publisher: Informa Healthcare
Citation: 48 (3), February 2013
Notes:  This journal article outlines the authors’ US research study that investigated the disparities in lifetime substance abuse in relation to sexual orientation. It also considered mediating factors including child abuse and intimate partner violence. Study participants were patients of an urban (Boston) community health center. The paper’s statistical analysis is represented graphically to demonstrate study results.
ISSN: 1082-6084
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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