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Record ID: 85bbe822-4de7-46e3-aa70-0c77612b6777
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Sexual violence in adolescents
Authors: Northridge, Jennifer L
Keywords: Reproductive coercion;Adolescents;Young people;Sexual assault;Prevention;Disability;Youth;Treatment;Intimate partner violence;Sexual violence;Trafficking
Topic: Sexual violence
Year: 2019
Citation: Vol. 48, no. 2 ; pp e58-e63
Abstract:  "Sexual violence and intimate partner violence are common among adolescents, especially for those who are developmentally disabled. Pediatricians have a critical role in treating and preventing sexual violence in adolescents. As medical providers, they possess trusted access to identify sexual violence in adolescents and to intervene to help prevent further violence and mitigate associated health effects. Therefore, it is imperative that pediatricians are aware of the scope of sexual violence in adolescents. Specific sexual violence screening recommendations for sexual assault, intimate partner violence, reproductive coercion, and sex trafficking are reviewed in this article."
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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