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Record ID: d1ca70af-49c5-4a38-9cb3-20f89c97000f
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Silence won’t stop the violence: Mount Isa workshops
Other Titles: Queensland Centre for Domestic and Family Violence Research Newsletter
Authors: Reilly, Lyndon
Keywords: Indigenous issues
Year: 2004
Publisher: Queensland Centre for Domestic and Family Violence Research
Citation: 3 (2), December 2004
Notes:  Organisation previously known as Queensland Centre for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence. To find all publications produced by the Queensland Centre both before and after the name change of 5 January 2004 use the hyperlink below the title, at the top of the page.
Reports on two workshops, “Domestic and Family Violence and Men’s Issues” and “Men as Agents of Change, Men as Workers and Men as Leaders”, co-facilitated by Reilly as part of Mount Isa’s first domestic violence forum, Silence Won’t Stop The Violence:. First workshop discussed the causes of Indigenous men’s violence and grouped them into precipitating causes, situational factors and underlying factors. Participants also discussed the idea of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men’s place of well-being which would serve as a multi-purpose gathering place. The second workshop was a discussion of the research project, Through the Eyes of Black Fellus:, the aims of which are to investigate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men’s groups within Queensland.
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