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Record ID: 4febb811-7821-43d3-b397-e03916cdfca6
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Strengthening positive parenting in the context of intimate partner abuse
Authors: Cruz, Marta L
Marinez-Lora, Ane M
Keywords: Domestic violence;Children;Family violence;Service provision;Parenting
Year: 2016
Citation: [ahead-of-print], 18 Sept 2016
Notes:  Case study examining the impact of behavioural parent training on parenting and outcomes for a 6 year old Latino diagnosed with oppostiional defiant disorder. The mother in the study reported a history of domestic violence and ongoing abuse from her intimate partner. The study focused onlly on services addressing the child's behavioural difficulties and improving parent child interactions.
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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