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Record ID: 3e55dd61-d031-4e1b-8ae5-f2910d4942d0
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Technology-facilitated stalking and abuse : putting out legal framework to the test
Authors: Sun, Charissa
Keywords: Technology;Victims / survivors;Cyberbullying;Criminal justice responses;Stalking;Domestic violence;Abuse
Year: 2015
Citation: Vol. 2, no. 5
Notes:  Technology-assisted stalking and abuse are forms of domestic violence tjhat are on the rise. Recognition of the seriousness of this form of abuse and its impact on victims is lagging behind. It it imperative that the judiciary understand what technology-facilitated domestic violence looks like, and that tyhe legal framework should be used to its fullest extent to protect victimes from such abuse.
Physical description: pp. 78-79
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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