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Record ID: bc0a83db-7363-4281-9661-4df12ce3e1b5
Type: Journal Article
Title: The development of an assessment of interpersonal violence for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Other Titles: Sexuality and disability
Authors: Ward, Karen M
Atkinson, Julie P
Keywords: Measurement;Disability
Population: People with disability
Year: 2012
Publisher: Springer Publishing
Citation: 30 (3), September 2012
Notes:  Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities experience rates of interpersonal violence much higher than those in the general population. Not only do they face physical, sexual, emotional, and financial abuse, they also face additional forms of interpersonal violence specific to their disability and care. While rates of interpersonal violence experienced by people with disabilities exist in the literature, measurement of these rates has been widely divergent across the field of disabilities. Currently, there are no-known evidence-based measures of interpersonal violence for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This article describes the development of an assessment tool, the Interpersonal Violence Interview (IVI), to measure the number of incidents of interpersonal violence against people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. A Delphi technique was used in the development of the tool in order to reach consensus regarding the content of the assessment. The results show the IVI is a promising first step towards the development of an evidence-based measure of interpersonal violence for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
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ISSN: 0146-1044
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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