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Record ID: 84845ca0-12d0-47f0-87d7-291d4f23a893
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Type: Journal Article
Title: The effects of arrest on intimate partner violence : new evidence from the spouse assault replication programResearch in brief
Authors: Garner, Joel H
Fagan, Jeffrey
Maxwell, Christopher D
Keywords: Prevention;Protection orders;Policing;Perpetrators;Criminal justice responses
Year: 2001
Publisher: U.S. Dept. of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice, Washington
Citation: NCJ 188199
Notes:  "July 2001"
Provides a background to and overview of the findings of a research project conducted in the US aimed at assessing the effectiveness of arrest and/or police intervention in reducing subsequent incidences of intimate partner violence and aggression. An analysis of previous research in this area and the various responses adopted by police and criminal justice agencies is conducted and a detailed description of the sample from whom data for the current project were obtained is presented. Implications of the findings for future policy and research are also addressed.
Physical description: 15 p.
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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