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Record ID: 9b5f7a95-4ec3-4ad5-be5f-2dabb34f0e54
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Type: Journal Article
Title: The next step : a resolution approach to dealing with intimate partner violence
Authors: Cagney, Mike
McMaster, Ken
Keywords: Family violence;Abuse;Interventions;Men;Victims / survivors
Year: 2013
Publisher: No To Violence, Male Family Violence Prevention Association
Citation: Spring
Notes:  This article looks at intervention with men who use abusive practices within their families, including ways for victims to have a voice in the process. It proposes that if we are to take safety seriously then practices need to be more inclusive of the whole family system. It argues that 'siloed' work can perpetuate risk, and proposes a family resolution approach the creating more enduring safety for women and children.
Physical description: pp 29-50
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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