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Record ID: 95957484-271f-45a0-a4f5-76c9fe0d93b4
Type: Journal Article
Title: The not-so-standard Indigenous question: Identifying Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victims.
Other Titles: Indigenous Law Bulletin
Authors: Hardman, Anastasia
Year: 2010
Citation: No 16 Vol.: 7
Notes:  Argues that nationwide changes to the way in which the Indigenous status of victims is recorded would have a significant impact on the quality of research and policy development concerning the specific experience of Indigenous victims [from p. 17]; discusses a research project examining the experiences of Indigenous women and children who have been victims of sexual assault; discusses formulation of the 'Standard Indigenous Question' developed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in 1995; although there is a paucity of data on victims, there is a better understanding of the Indigenous status of offenders; suggests that there should be a systematic approach to recording the Indigenous status of victims in all jurisdictions around Australia
Indigenous law bulletin, Vol. 7, No. 16 (Jan. - Feb. 2010), p. 17-19
Physical description: Pages 17-19
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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