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Record ID: c19ff14c-996e-4fa0-a3b6-7fd0407a84df
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Type: Journal Article
Title: The role of child sexual abuse images in coercive and non-coercive relationships with adolescents : a thematic review of the literature
Authors: Cooper, Karen
Quayle, Ethel
Keywords: Internet;Sexting;Perpetrators;Youth;Children;Adolescents
Year: 2015
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Citation: Vol. 36, iss. 4
Notes:  Presents a review of the literature relating to the role of child sexual abuse images in online coercive and non-coercive relationships with adolescents, and to identifies some of the complexities in the self-production of sexual images by adolescents and their potential use by offenders. It contrasts literature looking at child sexual abuse images of minors in relation to the offending process, and in particular the offender with adolescent studies have focused on 'sexting' and the risks of harm that follow from the self-production and sharing of sexual images. Examines why there is a trend for child abuse image production to be increasingly associated with adolescent self-produced sexual images, and how this may be related to individual coercion, as well as changing social and Internet contexts. Discusses the technological and social opportunities offered by the Internet, particularly in relation to the ability to produce sexual images, as part of a more ecological approach to understanding online abuse and exploitation.
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