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Record ID: 63a5de0b-4a93-453b-be7e-26021ad0e12e
Type: Journal Article
Title: Theories of intimate partner violence from blaming the victim to acting against injustice: intersectionality as an analytic framework
Other Titles: Advances in nursing science
Authors: Kelly, Ursula A
Keywords: Disability;Representations of women;Cross-cultural;CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse);Theories of violence
Year: 2011
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Citation: 34 (3), July/September 2011
Notes:  This article provides a background and in-depth analysis of the theoretical understandings of intimate partner violence. The author begins by examining the historical roots of violence against women on an international level, which is followed by a discussion of contemporary forms of violence against women. This includes a detailed analysis of theoretical frameworks, including a review of how historical and contemporary theories explain the cause of and women's responses to violence. The author then examines how feminist intersectionality utilises feminist theory to more inclusively consider other factors that intersect with gender to place women at a disadvantage including race, ethnicity, experiences of colonisation, class, age, sexual orientation, disability status and religion. The summary includes clinical implications for nurses and reference to the multicultural power and control wheel.
ISSN: 0161-9268
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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