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Record ID: ac4bf0aa-675d-4613-a142-261c0d6de1f0
Type: Journal Article
Title: Training healthcare providers to respond to intimate partner violence against women
Authors: Reisenhofer, Sonia
Garcia-Moreno, Claudia
Di Tanna, Gian Luca
Kalra, Naira
Hooker, Leesa
Year: 2021
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Citation: Issue 5
Abstract:  Background: Intimate partner violence (IPV) includes any violence (physical, sexual or psychological/emotional) by a current or former partner. This review reflects the current understanding of IPV as a profoundly gendered issue, perpetrated most often by men against women. IPV may result in substantial physical and mental health impacts for survivors. Women affected by IPV are more likely to have contact with healthcare providers (HCPs) (e.g. nurses, doctors, midwives), even though women often do not disclose the violence. Training HCPs on IPV, including how to respond to survivors of IPV, is an important intervention to improve HCPs' knowledge, attitudes and practice, and subsequently the care and health outcomes for IPV survivors.

Objectives: To assess the effectiveness of training programmes that seek to improve HCPs' identification of and response to IPV against women, compared to no intervention, wait‐list, placebo or training as usual.
ISSN: 1465-1858
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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