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Record ID: 5ce36b93-a820-4a34-8bf9-094ffe840a3e
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Type: Journal Article
Title: What does gender have to do with violence against women?
Authors: The Scottish Government and COSLA
Keywords: Gay/lesbian/transgender;Overview;Representations of women;Cross-cultural;CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse);Theories of violence
Year: 2010
Publisher: Government of Scotland
Notes:  The purpose of this UK paper is to help practitioners, in particular members of Multi-Agency Partnerships and Training Consortia, develop an understanding of the relationship between violence experienced by women and the notion of equality between men and women. Produced by the Scottish Government and COSLA, the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities, it explains the difference between sex and gender and presents an argument for using gendered analysis with which to consider violence.
Physical description: 7p
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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