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Record ID: 88804150-38d7-43dd-902c-7db5a56c3fad
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Type: Journal Article
Title: What will it take to end gender-based violence?
Authors: Fu, Mengzhu
Keywords: Feminism;Minorities;New Zealand;Prevention;Violence against women
Year: 2015
Citation: Vol. 29, no. 2 ; pp. 50-59
Notes:  "In 2006, Andrea Smith and colleagues argued that the question for anti-violence movements
to grapple with should not be, 'What is the best model of violence intervention?', but rather,
'What will it take to end the violence against us all?' (Smith, Richie, Sudbury, & White, 2006,
p.10). They argued that the strategies of addressing violence against women, which rely on
the state and the criminal justice system, are inadequate and often perpetuate violence against women of colour. In this essay, I want to engage with this question in order to move towards effective strategies for transformative change and gender justice in Aotearoa/New Zealand.

Building on the work of other feminist writers, scholars and activists who have proposed
directions to tackle the roots of the problem, I make a call to action to think and act beyond
current institutionalised strategies of addressing gender-based violence. In particular, I want to raise the significance of gendered structural violence in the lived experiences of young South Asian survivors of family violence and propose some strategic directions for feminist antiviolence movements. I suggest a refocusing in terms of the conceptual tools used by feminist advocates, including intersectionality. I argue that gender-based violence is fundamentally a political and structural problem, and that the gender system itself should be abolished."
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