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Record ID: 92e141fa-37b0-4c2c-a010-9cc3611b0cca
Type: Journal Article
Title: Why do I always pay the price?
Other Titles: Speaking out
Authors: Guler, Semra
Keywords: Refugee communities
Year: 2003
Publisher: Immigrant Women's Speakout Association
Citation: (12), Winter 2003
Notes:  Describes the particular circumstances of Kurdish people who flee to Australia. Since the number of Kurdish-Australian citizens and permanent residents is small, Kurds on Temporary Protection Visas (TPV) and asylum seekers receive limited assistance from this community. Their unfamiliarity with the English language and the Australian systems and services generates further isolation and high levels of anxiety. Some quotes from Kurdish women holding TPVs are offered to illustrate their experiences.
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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