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Record ID: 1f017034-5fe9-4f24-b5f8-07ce326d2422
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Witnessing violence: aggression and anxiety in young childrenHow healthy are Canadians? Annual report 2003
Other Titles: Health Reports - Supplement
Authors: Moss, Kathleen
Keywords: Child protection;Statistics;Parenting;Impact on children and young people
Year: 2003
Publisher: Statistics Canada
Citation: 14,, 2003
Notes:  Catalogue number: 82-003-SIE2003000
Based on data drawn from surveys and other sources in Canada, this article provides an estimate of children aged 4-7 who have witnessed, or continue to witness, violence in the home and assesses the extent to which witnessing violence is associated with overt aggression, indirect aggression and anxiety in this population group. A range of factors was considered as potentially contributing to and/or mediating the effects of witnessing violence on children’s development and behaviour, including family relations, parenting style, demographics and availability of support systems. The findings indicate the experience of witnessing violence is related to both short- and long-term behavioural and emotional problems, including aggression and anxiety. Limitations of the study and the specific methodologies, analytic techniques and data sources utilised are also identified.
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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