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Record ID: 1e1941bc-c769-4440-9175-84c4612d41c5
Type: Journal Article
Title: Women's experiences of the processes associated with the Family Court of Australia in the context of domestic violence : a thematic analysis
Authors: Roberts, Donna
Chamberlain, Peter
Delfabbro, Paul
Keywords: Australia;Family Court;Psychology;Family law;Domestic violence;Women
Year: 2015
Citation: Vol. 22, no. 4
Notes:  Psychological impact of Family Court process on women leaving abusive relationships - thematic analysis of narratives from women who had left abusive relationships and have or had contact with the Family Court - findings show experience of engaging with court process extremely distressing - key themes of distress - fear of ex-partner and confronting him in court - constant reliving of relationship - insensitivity of some legal professionals.
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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