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Record ID: c7bf2f90-a6c7-449d-87f2-2d4fb5411d6f
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Type: Thesis
Title: Navigating new relationships during recovery from intimate partner violence : a phenomenological investigation of female survivors' experiences
Authors: Flasch, Pauline Sandra Rebecka
Categories: Recovery
Year: 2016
Publisher: University of Central Florida
Citation: No. 4891
Notes:  "The present investigation provides a thorough literature review on the topic of recovery from IPV, introduces a phenomenological investigation of survivors' experiences of considering or navigating new relationships during recovery from intimate partner violence, and discusses findings and implications for counselors and counselor educators. Research questions and subquestions included, (1) What are the lived experiences of female survivors of IPV who are considering or navigating new intimate relationships, and (1a) What are the helping and hindering experiences of considering or navigating new intimate relationships?"
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