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Record ID: faaefd9c-bd1e-4ca0-a476-15ffea257955
Web resource: | |
Type: | Policy/Protocol |
Title: | Australian national action plan on women, peace and security 2012-2018 |
Authors: | Australian Government |
Keywords: | Policy;Human rights |
Year: | 2012 |
Publisher: | Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs |
Notes: | This action plan is the Australian Government response to the UN Women, Peace and Security agenda. It will be implemented as a whole of government approach which will be coordinated by the Office for Women. The plan will continue the government’s efforts to integrate a gender perspective into peace and security efforts, protecting women and girls’ human rights, chiefly in relation to gender-based violence. |
URI: | |
Physical description: | 64 p. |
Appears in Collections: | Miscellaneous |
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