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Record ID: faaefd9c-bd1e-4ca0-a476-15ffea257955
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Type: Policy/Protocol
Title: Australian national action plan on women, peace and security 2012-2018
Authors: Australian Government
Keywords: Policy;Human rights
Year: 2012
Publisher: Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs
Notes:  This action plan is the Australian Government response to the UN Women, Peace and Security agenda. It will be implemented as a whole of government approach which will be coordinated by the Office for Women. The plan will continue the government’s efforts to integrate a gender perspective into peace and security efforts, protecting women and girls’ human rights, chiefly in relation to gender-based violence.
An important aspect of the Australian government response to the UN Women agenda is to increase the number and participation of women in the Australian Defence Force in conflict prevention, management and resolution.
Physical description: 64 p.
Appears in Collections:Miscellaneous

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