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Record ID: 15c98621-cd1d-44b6-a024-46b244a1be4e
Type: Policy/Protocol
Title: Discussion paper on NSW Domestic and Family Violence Strategic Framework
Authors: Violence Prevention Coordination Unit, Office for Women's Policy
Keywords: Interagency work;Policy;Service provision
Year: 2008
Publisher: NSW Dept. of Premier and Cabinet, Office for Women's Policy
Notes:  General Overview:This discussion paper is preliminary to the development of a New South Wales strategic framework for work in the domestic and family violence sector.

Its aim is to promote a conversation among stakeholders in both the government and non-government areas around service provision, multi-agency response and improvements in the state’s approach to domestic violence prevention and the associated issues of housing, child protection, medical and legal services.

The strategic framework is scheduled for release in November 2009 after wide-ranging consultation with the stakeholders has been completed.
Contents:  Executive summary
1: Describing the problem
2: Current response to domestic and family violence
3: Strengths in the current response to domestic and family violence
4: Weaknesses in the current response to domestic and family violence
Appendix 1 – Behaviours that can Constitute Domestic and Family Violence
Appendix 2 – Domestic and Family violence Pathway
ISBN: 9780646504094
Physical description: viii, [74] p. ; 30 cm.
Appears in Collections:Miscellaneous

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