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Record ID: f938d6d7-97ae-40c3-97b6-b2572229793c
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Type: Policy/Protocol
Title: Our actions to prevent the abuse of older South Australians 2007
Authors: Office for the Ageing, Department for Families and Communities in collaboration with researchers from the Hawke Research Institute, UniSA
Keywords: Older people;Policy
Year: 2007
Publisher: Government of South Australia
Notes:  General Overview: In response to the issue of abuse of older people, the South Australian Government has documented that state’s proposals to keep older people safe from “abuse, exploitation and violence” as part of its commitment to the wellbeing of this growing segment of the population.

The document expands on each of these by identifying the aims of each action and assigning a lead agency to be responsible for their progress. An appendix elaborates on the underlying principles which underpin Our Actions:and also lists the organisations consulted in the creation of this document.
Physical description: 28 p.
Appears in Collections:Miscellaneous

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