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Record ID: 6ced78ee-903a-4efb-b5ad-5471d98d768d
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Type: Policy/Protocol
Title: What's needed to improve child abuse/family violence in a social and emotional well being framework in Aboriginal communities [position paper]
Authors: National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation
Keywords: Drug and alcohol misuse;Health;Policy;Indigenous issues
Year: 2006
Publisher: National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation, Canberra
Notes:  Overview: This Australian document details NACCHO's position on child sexual abuse/family violence from the perspective of social and emotional well-being. NACCHO advocates a holistic response to violence in Aboriginal communities, with a focus on healing and empowerment. This includes addressing issues of land rights, poverty, housing, health, education and employment.

The paper outlines the background, risk factors, protective factors and prevalence of Aboriginal family violence. The paper discusses barriers to treatment and outlines consultation outcomes and Key Action Areas.

The paper lists steps that can be taken immediately to address the problem. These include the implementation of many programs partnerships and strategies which have been developed at federal, state and local levels but not yet put into practice. It takes a holistic rather than piecemeal approach.
Physical description: 20 p.
Appears in Collections:Miscellaneous

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