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Record ID: a68e26ac-0891-45ff-a616-52c2bdb20082
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Type: Literature Review
Title: Safety for immigrant, refugee and non-status women: a literature review
Authors: Han, Ju Hui Judy
Keywords: Housing;Refugee communities;Cross-cultural
Categories: Culturally and Linguistically Diverse / Migrant / Refugee communities
Year: 2009
Publisher: Ending Violence Association of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
Notes:  This literature review examines the policy gaps and problems which compromise the safety of migrant and refugee women who experience violence in Canada. The review was produced by the authors of the Safety for Immigrant, Refugee and Non-Status Women Project. The review discusses several key areas of concern including housing, ‘cultural competency’ and access to the law. The project was coordinated by three non-government organisations in British Columbia.
Physical description: 29 p.
Appears in Collections:Miscellaneous

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