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Record ID: 1be09962-902c-4cbd-bd8b-4cb6eb5d018f
Web resource:
Type: Literature Review
Title: Spotlight on economic abuse : a literature and policy review
Authors: MacDonald, Fiona
Keywords: Advocacy;Legal issues;Prevention;Risk factors;Workplaces;Financial abuse;Overview;Early intervention
Year: 2012
Publisher: Good Shepherd Youth & Family Service and Kildonan UnitingCare, North Collingwood
Notes:  Arising from their recognition that economic abuse was a prime motivating factor in their clients' need for their services, Good Shepherd Youth & Family Service and Kildonan
The Project seeks to characterise the issue of economic abuse in Australia in order to promote prevention, early intervention and lessening of economic abuse to government, business and the community service sectors.

Following the publication of this resource, a series of six Catalyst Papers:were produced to further examine aspects of economic abuse in Australian society.
Contents:  List of abbreviations
Executive summary
Economic abuse
Influences, impacts and points of intervention
Public policies and practices
Legal and regulatory frameworks
Employment frameworks, policies and practices
Community services policies and practices
List of references
ISBN: 9780987111036
Physical description: 80 p.
Appears in Collections:Miscellaneous

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